

This is our new home for the summer,”

said Madhav dropping his meager belonging on the ground under the bridge,

few people from our village are also here; place has some privacy and it will be cool during summer days.”

Consecutive years of drought, have forced farmers like Madhav migrate to towns in search of jobs.

Baapu, there is no water to drink or take bath!”

Collect from handpump nearby, like others; it is only a matter of few months.”

A farmer has become a refugee in his own country,” thought Usha as she tried to hold back tears.

Word Count: 99

This is an effort to write aflash fiction effort with the Friday fictioneers, 15thNov, 2018, using picture prompt provided by host Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Other stories can be found here

Photo Prompt : Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

45 thoughts on “Refugee

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    1. Drought is a reality. So is migration, poverty and farmer suicide. To be fair effort is being made to promote conservation and distribution. Thank you for reading.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. True. Poor people migrate to cities in search of job. It is a reality. Natural calamities aggravate the situation. Thank you for reading and commenting.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It is a vicious cycle in developing countries. Population explosion makes jobs scarce. Poor people have more kids because they can earn and jack up family income. In India situation is improving slowly. Still a very large number of people very poor.

        Liked by 1 person

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