Dream #SundayPhotoFiction

Ever since landlord served her a notice to vacate the house, she was kind of worried. A dream, that she could not recall in the morning, kept appearing at regular interval. “For the money you want to pay,” her chain of thought was broken by the real estate agent said, “this is the best place... Continue Reading →

Compromise #FridayFictioneer

“So suffocating,” thought Mamata looking at the green belt, “who knows what lives in the bush; I am not a forest dweller.” “Do something,” Mamata declared war on the real estate agent, “if you want me to move.” “Such refreshing green,” her husband tried to reason, “ generates oxygen, supports birds, I wake up to... Continue Reading →

First Born #SundayPhotoFiction

“I always wanted to have space of my own,” she must have wondered aloud looking at the patch, when the real estate agent as if reading her mind said, “you can create a kitchen garden here.” This patch of green in the back of the house tilted the scale in favor of moving into this... Continue Reading →

Eviction #SundayPhotoFiction

Turquoise blue water of the Arabian sea was sorrounded in a semi circle by the land from Nariman Point till Raj Bhavan. As the sea front buildings lit up in the evening, the stretch of land would sparkle like a Neck Lace. Locals call it Queens Necklace. This is Mumbai. Ambitious people gather here in... Continue Reading →

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