Memory #FridayFictioneer

Dad, time to get rid of this old piece of junk,” son looked contemptuously at the old piano his father was so engrossed in playing his music on, “look plants growing out of it; why not let me gift you a new one this birthday?

Son, your mother used to sit there, when I made music on this old piece every morning,” father smiled wryly and said, “ I promised her that I shall continue playing after she is gone; I still see her nodding, when I play; she may not like a new piano and leave me for good.”

Word Count: 98

This is an effort to write aflash fiction effort with the Friday fictioneers, 15th, Mar, 2019, using picture prompt provided by host Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Other stories can be found here

Photo Prompt : Anshu Bhojanagrawla

Please join the fundraiser #HelpMithuSaveSchool fundraiser. You can support the #HelpMithuSaveSchool fundraiser HERE. 

64 thoughts on “Memory #FridayFictioneer

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    1. You are right. For his father sentimental value was stronger than actual functionality. Thank you for reading.


    1. He did not summon her spirit. His wife, his music and his piano had strong connection. Whenever he played this piano he could visualize his wife. Thank you for reading.


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